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Healthy and Sustainable pre-school scheme

 »  Healthy and Sustainable pre-school scheme

Healthy Sustainable pre-school scheme

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The Healthy and Sustainable Pre-school Scheme is a national accreditation scheme which acknowledges pre-school settings as contributors to children’s health and well-being. Settings who embrace HSPSS will be accredited and recognised for their endeavours in promoting physical, mental, social and emotional health.


The scheme promotes positive health behaviours from an early age, including good oral health and the importance of healthy eating and physical activity to support reducing obesity in the Early Years.

The scheme is accredited, and as such, each setting collates evidence to support each of the following action areas:

  • Nutrition and Oral Health
  • Physical Activity/Active Play
  • Mental Emotional Health, Well being and Relationships
  • Environment
  • Hygiene
  • Safety
  • Workplace Health and Well being

For more information follow the link above

How will the scheme be implemented

The Healthy Pre-School Scheme is implemented and accredited in stages called ‘phases’. Each phase lasts approximately one year. Settings must work to develop and promote the 8 specific action areas of the scheme.

Preliminary Phase A whole setting approach involves planning health programmes that are coordinated, comprehensive and progressive, benefitting the whole setting community.
Nutrition and Oral Health Reflecting a whole setting approach to food, nutrition and oral health, incorporating the promotion of a healthy balanced diet based on current national guidance and good practice in relation to oral health.
Physical Activity / Active Play Settings will support and promote a wide range of accessible physical activities and active play for children and staff including access to play environments and experiences that meet the developmental needs of children.
Emotional and Mental Well-being including Relationships Reflecting the ethos of the setting which should encourage mutual respect and promote the mental and emotional well-being, in the broadest sense, of all those who work within it. It also highlights the importance of the development of positive relationships and therefore covers some aspects of personal development. Application of the preliminary aspect and the Emotional and Mental Well-being including relationships aspect will support
settings to meet their duties under the statutory framework for embedding a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being. https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2021-03/frameworkon-embedding-a-whole-school-approach-to-emotional-and-mental-wellbeing.pdf
Environment Settings will promote a safe, stimulating environment which reflects the importance of the people within it, with an emphasis on caring for the environment within and outside of the setting.
Safety Settings will reflect a proactive approach to all aspects of safety including work on all substances. It should be recognised that the parents and staff use of alcohol and illegal substances could affect the safety of the children in the setting. Smoking is also included in this section but should be considered as a health issue and not just a safety issue. Some aspects of safety are statutory for example safeguarding, health and safety and whilst reference is made to these they will need to be considered separately in more detail. Immunisation is also covered here as a safety issue. Keeping records of immunisation is good practice which is useful in the event of an outbreak.
Hygiene Through this aspect settings will reflect on good hygiene, as it is crucially important to early years settings. A whole setting approach is essential, with strong leadership, to minimise or prevent communicable diseases and their spread and to promote good infection prevention and control practices for staff, children and their
Workplace Health and Well-being Promoting workplace with a commitment to the health and well-being of all staff. Good work is important for physical and mental health and well-being. Employers who adopt good working practices will have a happy, healthy and productive workforce, with lower levels of absence.