Babies aged 3 months up to 1.5 years Staff ratio – 1 staff to 3 children
At Bizzi-Day we believe that babies need to be loved and nurtured. For younger babies their pattern of feeding and sleeping will be maintained and we will adapt to their needs as they develop. The baby room is designed to enhance children’s sensory development through play and exploration. Activities and resources are provided to enhance children’s individual developmental needs.
Little Explorers and Tiny Explorers
Babies aged from 12 months up to 30 months Staff ratio – 1 staff to 3 children under 2 years and 1 staff to 4 children 2 to 3 years
The little explorers room is split into two sections, both are well resourced allowing the babies and younger toddlers to explore their environment and develop their natural curiosity in their own time. Within the room is a separate sleep area and changing facility allowing staff to easily maintain ratios throughout the day.
Pencoed Little Explorers
Pencoed Outside Area
Toddler Rooms
Pencoed Little Learners
Toddler room aged 2 –3 years Staff ratio – 1 staff to 4 children
Toddlers are keen to explore the world around them and at Bizzi Day Nurseries LTD we encourage this natural instinct. Your child will be able to explore a range of sounds, explore their senses of taste and smell, explore objects with a wide range of properties, explore body movement, practise mobility and be outdoors. We will also as they approach three years start preparing them for the more formal learning process in the pre-school room.
Pre-School Rooms
Pencoed Busy Learners
Pre-school room children aged 2.5 – 5years Staff ratio – 1 staff to 4 children age 2 to 3 years and 1 staff to 8 children 3 to 8 years
In the busy learners room we will work with your child to develop their interest in learning. This will be achieved through ‘in the moment planning’ Children are providied with play opportunities, resources that will enhance their development. Children will be given the opportunity to explore different cultures and festivals, which will enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world. Children will be taught basic welsh to prepare them for school.